Orlando is grateful for...
- grapes, cherries, strawberries
- I like my watercolors because I never used them for a long time and now I'm excited to use them
- playing spaceship with Papa because I like plasma fire
- playing with Ralphie and Felix. Ralphie is really into me. He is my best friend!
- the caterpillars (from Kiersten and Falko and Treska and Kaya) because I love seeing butterflies but we haven't seen that many.
Stacy is grateful for...
- eating fresh strawberries, cherries, and grapes with the boys and Rom when we got home from the store
- our back yard -- always!
- date nights... swapping dates with my brother and his wife... watching all the cousins playing and loving each other
- spending time with Rom on our date... just walking around, eating food as spicy as we wanted, not having to "tag-team" during the meal, talking and laughing and flirting, and talking, talking, talking UNINTERRUPTED!
- buying the kids some art supplies, watching Orlando do his watercolors
- being married to Rom!!
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